I’ve been writing inconsistently due to my laziness these days. Plus, people who I don’t wish to read my blog keep on stalking me, questioning this and that, making me feel uncomfortable to write more. Hopefully my idleness for quite sometimes shooed them away!
Updates for now, been successfully sat for final exam. It’s only for two papers, but it’s not easy tho. Lots to read, lots to think. Now that I’ve tried my best, now the only way ahead is tawakal. Whatever you worked for, eventually will come to you one day. I believe in that. Dear God, please let me pass this one. I wanna go to Aussie too :) So far the preparation were headache-ing, with all the forms and payments to make. Believe me, fulfilling forms are never this hard. These forms, are both confusing and irritating. Four days off for Deepavali break, that supposed to be a horray holiday were spent completing those things.Blergghh.
Coming up next is our BTN course, which will be held in Meru BTN Campsite in Klang. Not looking forward, this is so not me. Just hoping that we’ll gonna have fun there. Just hoping. This BTN thing is one kind of frustration too, because I’ve been expecting our IPG to be with IPIK before. But it turns out to be IPSAH. Nadia, I really wanna see you! :(
This is it, for now. Cohort Two chalkies, keep holding on. Be patient with all the borangs. Let’s make this two-and-a-half-year-waiting worth it! (Tho I don’t feel like going anymore)