Sunday, January 15, 2012
Day 15 of 366 (Pic spazzzin)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
138 days in Australia and this is my first update. Sorry, but this is the result of having another blog. I left this one rusty and spiderweb-coated.
Being overseas is a good thing, and I like it here. The weather’s not too different from Malaysia (minus the winter hee). Have been to quite places, but now, during this winter break, someone needs to stop travelling, stop shopping and stop googling good eating places in Sydney. And that someone is me! I am now staying quietly, like really quietly at home, that I can almost hear my heartbeat. Yes, to that extend.
Hell no, I’m going out to Gungho later. Kekeke! I just don’t wanna miss the opportunity eating Malaysian cuisine in Sydney. I’ll stay home after I really got what I want :D though it’s gonna take forever.
The reason why I’m writing this entry is, after like months of ignoring this blog, somebody still call me the brilliant writer. Wuhuuu. Too much of compliment, but I guess it makes me think to write in this blog again. Thanks! But still, I need to have a good something to write about.And I want to write it short.
I’m gonna write about how living overseas making me see people from a different light. Friends, specifically.
Months away from family, and all we had are friends, make me realize how important friends are. And from what I can see here too, there are still people who friend for benefits, so don’t blame me for continuing disliking people. I continue disliking certain people because they continue to do the things I dislike. That’s all. To the certain someone who really really really pushed my wrong button, I despised you! What I really want right now is for you to turn into a chicken kekeke~
Despite everything, I am grateful of the people around me now. Besides everybody, I specifically have the Bambas, and a new friend who loves me and also someone’s still sending love from UK! Hehe. Grinning all night thinking of my Hard Rock London whooosshh~
The new friend who touches my heart, and make me go all Omo! Omo! :) that day I thanked you for loving me, and your answer made me speechless.
“Thanx to Allah coz bagi rasa tu kat i..tulah hebatnya kalau syg seseorg krn Allah :) ”
The last sentence was the only actual contain of this entry. The rest were just there to fill up the space =)
To that certain someone, I cried. Ain't I one lucky person? :)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
"The Safest Wall"

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Quick update!
I’ve been writing inconsistently due to my laziness these days. Plus, people who I don’t wish to read my blog keep on stalking me, questioning this and that, making me feel uncomfortable to write more. Hopefully my idleness for quite sometimes shooed them away!
Updates for now, been successfully sat for final exam. It’s only for two papers, but it’s not easy tho. Lots to read, lots to think. Now that I’ve tried my best, now the only way ahead is tawakal. Whatever you worked for, eventually will come to you one day. I believe in that. Dear God, please let me pass this one. I wanna go to Aussie too :) So far the preparation were headache-ing, with all the forms and payments to make. Believe me, fulfilling forms are never this hard. These forms, are both confusing and irritating. Four days off for Deepavali break, that supposed to be a horray holiday were spent completing those things.Blergghh.
Coming up next is our BTN course, which will be held in Meru BTN Campsite in Klang. Not looking forward, this is so not me. Just hoping that we’ll gonna have fun there. Just hoping. This BTN thing is one kind of frustration too, because I’ve been expecting our IPG to be with IPIK before. But it turns out to be IPSAH. Nadia, I really wanna see you! :(
This is it, for now. Cohort Two chalkies, keep holding on. Be patient with all the borangs. Let’s make this two-and-a-half-year-waiting worth it! (Tho I don’t feel like going anymore)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Memory :)
One day you told me that we were going to grab some food outside, so I enthusiastically get ready and so on. But as we got in the car, there was a telephone call and you said that we need to drop you off at the Petronas building, just a while so can grab some stuff. Again, I uttered an okay. Arrived, you told me to wait at the foyer, and you disappeared into the elavator. I waited for almost 10 minutes, thank god the sofa was so comfortable there, when a text appeared from my cell. "Ada emergency meeting. Maybe lama. Tunggu kat foyer".
So I sat comfortably on the sofa for the first 30 minutes. The big screen besides me showed Petronas commercial, from what year I wouldn't know. I was trying to not looking at receptionists, both male and female, who were unnecessarily friendly to people that everytime a person came in they will point at me and introduce me to them. About who am I, like they knew. I tried not to care, as I thought the meeting would end in no time. But I was wrong. Three freaking boring hours and I was still there, now watching the repeated commercial on the big screen. It wasn't that I like watching them, coz for God sake, I think Petronas had been in my life even before I was born, but my mp3 had run out of power and I need to switch it off.
It was about 5.oo pm that the meeting actually ended. Meaning, I was sitting there like mad for more that three hours. I was quite upset then, thinking how time flies for nothing. But seeing your face, I realized that I wasn't angry. Not a bit, tho I didn't get the lunch I thought I would be having, tho I had waited for three hours with strangers around me. It was because it's you. My dad.
Of course it was boring to wait at a place where all you can do is sit n stare aimlessly at things. But when it's for you, it will always be okay. It sure was disappointing, to lose a chance to have some time together, but you know what? I was quite proud at that time. Because remember the two unnecessarily friendly people? They kept on introducing me as "Anak Encik Yunos", and those people nodded at me, because they all knew you. Because they respect you. And having a dad who is respectable by others, how couldn't I have any bit of proudness? :)
After all, you still made my day. Tho it was only from the McDonalds Drive-thru booth :)
To all sons and daughters, read this and happy watching!

Monday, May 3, 2010
Entri kueh lompang untukmu. (entry panjang berbahasa Melayu)
- Balik rumah bergonjeng dengan mereka dan keluarga mereka. Means my family :)

- Sufficient money for return tickets to Portsmouth, Birmingham and Sydney. Oh, pegi UIA juga mungkin. Ececehh.
- Satu lagi return ticket pegi Indonesia. Anyone?
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I thought friends are for everyone :(
I wonder, why such people have to do such thing? Like for the person doing that to me, I am not sure if it was satisfied or not with my respond. Like seriously seriously, I dont have the time for stupid, immatured matter like this. Please grow up, pal. Pretty pretty pleasee. Maybe you did it to gain attention, but it makes you sound even stupider than ever. Huh.
I think I am considerate enough towards you. I dont want a war, I dont want anything. Not even revenge or equal humiliation. All this while, I ignored people's talking about you being this and that, because I thought I've seen the other side of you. But you proved me wrong. They are absolutely right. I feel sorry for you. And also to myself, for even considering you as a bestfriend. Pal, I dont hate you, I just cant love you anymore.
Readers, Im sure all of you have friends. So I just wanna ask, in friendship is there any terms of "stealing others' friends" ? Because I was continuously blamed for it :(
Thought friends are for everyone T.T