One of the reasons why 2009 captures many beautiful moments in my life is because this year, I start something that I've been longing to since like forever. I dance! Though I dont have any experience in this thingy, let alone expertise, I really want to try it. For even once! So, together with my lovahs, I babystep to the world of dancer and to my surprise, I never wanna stop. Not even now.
I remember volunteered myself for dancing since late 2008, when the seniors demand for dancers from TESL students. But unfortunately, the performance was cancelled at the last minute and to admit, I was quite disappointed. Seems like my hours of practice are thrown into the stinky, black garbage bin. Plus, we were about to do a traditional dance for "Walinong Sari" and for the beginners like us, we put a very commited effort for it. For nothing :(
But our first performance was during the Suara Jati Night, when we were invited to perform. It was on 30th of July if I'm not mistaken. So with less than a week practice, we got on stage performing a country hiphop dance, Hoedown Throwdown from Hannah Montana movie. It wasn't anything serious anyway, but we were extremely happy. As if we got all the fame from that night. Hahaha. We were seriously beginners.
And we named our dance group Legasi Katana, which we ourselves weren't so sure of the real meaning. And this is also because they rejected the "The Red Songket" name I gave :(
My second time was during the Teacher's Day celebration, in which we collaborated with the Rajawali Sakti Group performing Kurik Kundi. This day was also when we promoted our Siswa Budaya Club which is looking for new faces. This time was even tougher than our first time. With two days practice, and the stress put by the senior dancers (who were extremely enchanting.lovelovelove them ) make us not at ease. But the performance went on smoothly at last. Thank God :)
Behind. Left to right: Ridz, Tyra, Kak Noni, Liyana, Kaber.
Front. Left to right: Izat, Kak Sya, Kak Syue, Lara, Pyan.
The best time ever--TESL Night 2009. With the theme of Arabic Masquerade, we put on our mask and rocked the stage! We performed an Arabic-modern dance, with range of songs from Amr Diab to Lady Gaga. The duration was the longest since before and I have to say, I never commit to anything harder than this. For this performance, put aside everything. I missed one or two SS discussion for it.
Seriously, it worth it.
I had so much fun that night. It was totally the night I'd like to remember for a lifetime. We could taste the sweetness of the sweatS-y practices we had (Euww).
In a nutshell, I just love dancing. Hee :))
For the cynical lookS and jokeS about me clubbing whatsoever, just go to hell. I don't give a shit lah! I take it as a compliment, anyway :))))
i know chicken dance! =D
i know poco2 :)
asal tahu menari je, orang kata kaki clubbing..
lagi2 kalau tesl..
u should not give a damn care bout that..
just keep it up..
yeah.teslians are always seemed as gedix whatsoever.tapi yang mengata tu pon xboleh pakai the best way is to ignore.biarkan yang gila ckp sorg2 :)
like your costume
A smile from SJ =)
da pakai tudung skrg?bagosla.makin lawa.tapi comel ttp ada =)
thanx for d comment :)
i watched u guys hoedown-ing throwdown-ing on youtube :).
and miss liyana aqilah, saya link kamu :D
hehe.kamoo tengok dat lousy recording kew cik payyah.malu je :DD
feel free to pleasure :))
you're invited!
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